Transactional Leadership

美 [trænˈzækʃən(ə)l ˈliːdərʃɪp]英 [trænˈzækʃən(ə)l ˈliːdəʃɪp]
  • 网络交易型领导;事务型领导
Transactional LeadershipTransactional Leadership
  1. In the rapid development stage , transactional leadership have significant impact on human resource management practices ;


  2. Transformational leadership and transactional leadership correlated with group emotional intelligence significantly .


  3. Subordinates'individual-oriented self views also strengthened the relationship between transactional leadership behavior and job performance .


  4. What factors foster effective transactional leadership and transformational leadership in a sales setting ?


  5. On Corporate Ethics and Leadership Efficiency : From Transactional Leadership to Transformational Leadership


  6. Transformational and Transactional Leadership : The Predictor of Team Task-related Performance


  7. Principals'transformational leadership and transactional leadership had predicative efficacy for the teachers'job satisfaction .


  8. It goes beyond transactional leadership into transformational leadership , transforming individuals involved as well as the relationship .


  9. The effectiveness of transactional leadership is higher than that of transformational leadership under highly concentrated ownership structure . 4 .


  10. Former researches only focused on transformational leadership 's influence on creativity , while were not combined with transactional leadership .


  11. Results indicated that : 1 . Transformational leadership results in higher levels of team performance than transactional leadership in virtual teams . 2 .


  12. Second , the characteristics of the transactional leadership behavior in the background also including the Support of Relationship , Demonstration of a Model and Golden Mean .


  13. The transformational leadership can more effectively foresee the OCB of the employee than the transactional leadership .


  14. Transactional leadership has 4 factors , that is , contingency reward , active exemplary management , passive exemplary management and laissez-faire .


  15. An Analysis on the Effective Method to Cultivate Prediction Ability and Improve Listening Achievement ; Transformational and Transactional Leadership : The Predictor of Team Task-related Performance


  16. This study introduces regulatory focus theory , and employes regulatory focuses as mediators to explain how transformational leadership and transactional leadership affect climate .


  17. The effectiveness of transformational leadership has been researched in China in the last several years , while less researches on transactional leadership and laissez-faire leadership .


  18. The transactional leadership and transformational leadership which proposed by Bass is a new hot issue for examine the leader theory and accepts by other researchers .


  19. In addition , the paper also found that task-based team of core members of the transformational leadership style and the transactional leadership style and team performance were significantly correlated .


  20. The regression analysis found that the transformational and transactional leadership has a positive prediction to career satisfaction of employees . Laissez-faire leadership draws an opposite conclusion .


  21. The results showed : ( 1 ) The effectiveness of transformational leadership , entrepreneurial leadership , and transactional leadership demonstrated significant differences in the three major developmental stages ;


  22. However , the effectiveness of transformational leadership and transactional leadership was influenced by the situational and followers ' variables in the view of contingency theories .


  23. Transformational leadership stimulates lower levels of relationship conflict , lower levels of competitive conflict management behavior and higher levels of cooperative conflict management behavior than transactional leadership in virtual teams . 3 .


  24. The findings also indicate that when the leadership style is a mixture of transformational and transactional leadership , individuals exhibit the highest eustress and the lowest distress .


  25. The main results are : 1 ) Based on transformation leadership theory , transformational and transactional leadership styles of top manager ( responsibility of implementation project ) and direct managers are analyzed and distinguished .


  26. The typical characteristic of high performance organization is the development from traditional command-control organization to multifunctional participative one . So does control-oriented and transactional leadership to empowerment-oriented and transformational .


  27. The schema of thought and behavior manner of the leaders of the Chinese enterprises tends to be more characteristics in transactional leadership because that the Chinese enterprises have undergone the plan system and the administrative operation mechanism .


  28. As there are differences in organizational vision , follower-schemata , self-schemata and motivation-scripts , transactional leadership and transformational leadership have their own characteristics and effectiveness .


  29. Overall , transformational leadership and overall satisfaction with the related than transactional leadership and overall satisfaction , and significant correlation ; individual consideration factors and contingent reward factors on Teachers ' job satisfaction has positive prediction .


  30. The transactional leadership affects the teacher collective efficiency and the teacher group commitment to a certain degree . ( 4 ) The teacher group commitment can adjust the relationship between principals ' leadership and the teacher collective efficacy .
